
Category Archives: ¹ú²úÎÞÂë Pages

¹ú²úÎÞÂë Archive by category "¹ú²úÎÞÂë Pages"

Small Group Studies

Small group study resources developed to nurture discipleship including downloadable leaders' notes and particpant sheets.

Active Ministers Policy

Read or download guidance on the definition of Active Ministers in the United Reformed Church

House for Duty

Read the United Reformed Church House for Duty policy and download the policy and House For Duty Licence Template

Roll of Ministers

The Roll of Ministers lists all individuals who hold status as Ministers of Word and Sacraments & Church Related Community Workers of the ¹ú²úÎÞÂë

Marks of Ministry of an Elder

Guidance on recognising the Marks of Ministry of an Elder and the Marks of Ministry of an Elder's Meeting in the ¹ú²úÎÞÂë

United Reformed Church